Scenario 1
You are working in risk management and need to track medication administration errors and adverse events for patients over a 6-month period. You are receiving information from the inpatient areas, outpatient clinics, and home health.
Using the scenario, create a diagram of WK 3 proposed database using Microsoft Word.
- Include the additions made in Week 4.
- Complete the diagram first, but place it as the final page or pages of your submission. The diagram is separate from the required page count.
In the narrative portion of the assignment: 2 to 3 pages. Provide current references to support narrative.
- Explain how your diagram articulates your planned design.
- Explain the principles behind selecting key fields and defining relationships. Be specific and support your response with evidence.
- Write a sample PICOT question (i.e., a query) you might ask based on the information in the database created during Weeks 3 and 4 to demonstrate your understanding of the connection between data and research.
- List the tables in the database that you would need to include when answering your question.