disscussion reply

 provide further suggestions on how their database search might be improved. Use 2 refrences 


In pediatrics, clinicians are constantly searching for ways to refrain from or reduce the amount of pain we inflict on patients. That may involve less frequent lab work or making the choice to leave out a PIV that is lost. Though efforts are made to reduce pain in healthcare settings, we are not able to guarantee painless experiences. One of the most notable examples of unavoidable pain is childhood immunizations. Since I am a current pediatric nurse and in the primary care pediatric NP track, this is and will even more so, become a common practice issue for me. I wanted to figure out what methods of distraction work for infants when receiving immunizations. Using Richardson and colleagues’ concept (1995, as cited by Davies, 2011) I created the PICO question: In infants, do distraction techniques during immunization administration result in lower pain scores when compared to no intervention? 

Using the CINAHL and MEDLINE combined database, I searched the terms “distraction + immunization”. 106 articles resulted. After adding the term “infant” and excluding duplicates, reviews, and studies that involve study groups other than infants,10 articles remained. I used search techniques recommended by Stillwell et al. (2010). I searched using relevant keywords from my PICO question and used infant as my final limit on the articles that resulted. To improve my database searches, I could ask a librarian for help, use subject terms, or increase the publication date range on my search (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023, pp. 62–87).