
1: Title • Title: Understanding Asthma and COPD

• Subtitle: Essential Knowledge for Nurse Practitioners 

2: Introduction

• Brief overview of the importance of Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Glucocorticoids) and Bronchodilators in healthcare. 

• Mention the aim of the presentation: to provide an understanding of different types of Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Glucocorticoids) and Bronchodilators and their clinical applications. 

3: Management of asthma and COPD 

• Classification of asthma severity 

• Classification of COPD (air flow limitation severity)

4: Types of drug treatments

• Detail the two main categories: Oral and Inhaled Anti-inflammatory drugs (Glucocorticoids) and bronchodilators 

• Mention common examples from each category. 

5: Oral Anti-inflammatory drugs (Glucocorticoids, phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors) and bronchodilators (Methylxanthine)

• Discuss commonly used oral Glucocorticoids like Prednisone, Montelukast, Roflumilast and Theophylline.

• Emphasize their indications, dosages, and monitoring requirements.

6: Inhaled Anti-inflammatory drugs (Glucocorticoids) and bronchodilators (Anticholinergic, b2 adrenergic agonist)

• Explain the use of inhaled drugs such as Beclomethasone, Cromolyn, Ipratropium, Tiotropium, and Albuterol, Salmeterol.

• Describe when and how these are administered (types of inhalation devices, Meter-dose inhalers, dry-powder inhaler, and nebulizers). 

7: Anti-inflammatory drugs (Monoclonal antibodies) 

• Highlight the benefits and considerations (Blackbox warning) of Omalizumab

8: Monitoring and Safety 

• Discuss the importance of regular monitoring therapy. 

• Address safety concerns.

10: Patient Education 

• Provide key points for patient education regarding Anti-inflammatory drugs (Glucocorticoids) and bronchodilators therapy.

• Emphasize compliance.

11: Conclusion 

• Summarize key takeaways from the presentation.

• Reiterate the importance of nurse practitioners’ role in managing Asthma and COPD therapy. 

12 Resources

• Provide references and recommended readings for further learning.

The group PPT should have a minimum of 20 slides and no more than 40 with speaker notes. (Including group members, outline, reference page). Reference and citations must be in APA format 6th or 7th Ed. 

The presentation should be directed to the pharmacological management of the disease. It should include the following: Drug indications, drug classification, generic name and most common brand name, mechanism of action, side effects, drug interactions, use of the drug in different populations and important pearls.