GH Oct 15

Q1: Describe a program that was implemented successfully in your region/country. Explain how the program was successful in addressing the selected global health problem. Program components should be described in detail. (50 points)

Sample program: The WASH program – UN is an example of a successful global public health program aimed at providing access to clean water, sanitation, and hand-washing facilities focused on promoting health among underprivileged residents living in impoverished communities.

Please click on this link for detail (

Q2: Create 1 goal and at least 3 SMART objectives. A SMART objective is one that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. Use the SMART guide to create objectives for your program. (50 points) 

See formula for SMART objective 

[Measure – includes who and what] by [when].

Sample SMART Objective:

50% increase antenatal clinics by SEVA organization in urban slums of Delhi by December, 2024.

50%: Measure 

SEVA org:

antenatal clinics: What 

December, 2024: